
L'Ombre de l'Olivier: The Shadow of the Olive Tree

07 December 2009

"Harry" gets a rewrite

The most important news on the CRU leak (aka Climategate) over the weekend was that the UK Met Office is not just opening up its data it is also checking the processing and rewriting the code.

I strongly suspect that this only happened because of the leak and that all the discussions about "HARRY_READ_ME" were influential in this decision. It will be very interesting to observe just how the process will develop and whether they take on board the suggestions of many of us who've looked at the code about the choice of a database or of language use.

The really good news is that we ought to be able to build some kind of third party hooks onto the database so as to identify the problem stations and so on. The one interesting thing that I note is that we are not, as far as I can tell, seeing a release of the sea data - only the land data. I'm going to email them to verify whether this is the case or not because it would seem to be quite important regarding the global temperature.

via di2.nu

While I don't agree with this "Englishman" on all points, I have to agree that the CRU information that the leaker/hacker published is pretty grim when it comes to reproducibility. You pretty much have to have the author present to ensure you're using the same info as published. Some help from the Computer Science field would seem in order :)

Posted via web from TweetingDonal's Temporary Insanities

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