The IPCC, a part of the UN created specifically to provide science and policy to the entire world, has just released Working Group II's report on the Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability from Climate Change. The IPCC was set up in 1988, with full endorsement from Presidents Reagan and Bush (no, not W). The term Climate Change was felt to be more accurate than Global Warming, in spite of the push from the press. No, it's not something that 'them damned liberals' invented because there was no Global Warming.
Having learned their lesson from the last 4 Assessment Reports, Working
Group II has revised their reporting format to make things easier for
non-specialists to understand. One of those improvements is a video
designed to be seen by anyone who has access to a computer.
Please take time to watch the video, it's about 12 minutes and it's worth 12 minutes of your time, somewhere in the immediate future, to understand what is confronting us, and our children.
Please take time to watch the video, it's about 12 minutes and it's worth 12 minutes of your time, somewhere in the immediate future, to understand what is confronting us, and our children.