
City of Bryan Installs Cooper Lighting LED Streetlights to Reduce Energy Costs and Increase Light Quality on Environmental Expert

YAY! Hooray! OOOOORAH! Energy efficient AND Dark Sky compliant!!!! YESSSS!

PEACHTREE CITY, Ga., May 13, 2011 /PR Newswire/ -- When an engineering study of the city of Bryan, Ohio, indicated that there was a need—and opportunity—for more energy-efficient street lighting, city officials began to research the best alternative to meet the city's needs. After an extensive evaluation process, the city chose two LED luminaires from Cooper Lighting, a division of Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE), to replace its 150-watt high-pressure sodium (HPS) street lighting fixtures. Expecting to see a savings of 25 to 30 percent in energy costs by installing Cooper's Streetworks™ OVH LED Cobraheads (80W) and CLB Generation LED Decorative Post Top Luminaires (70W), officials are achieving an actual energy savings of 30 to 35 percent, and meeting the city's sustainability goals.

Bryan Municipal Utilities applied for and was awarded a $540,000 matching grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to install approximately 1,400 energy-efficient streetlights. With the goal of choosing light fixtures that would provide the same light coverage at a lower wattage and with a quality light color, officials organized a selection process in which four manufacturers participated. Engineers metered and captured various luminaires' actual energy usage and solicited feedback from the community. Community members preferred the warm white light (4000K correlated color temperature) that Cooper Lighting's LED fixtures provided, and after a complete evaluation, Bryan officials made the selection to install 329 Cooper Lighting luminaires in their streets.

'Bryan Municipal Utilities has provided street lighting for the community for more than a century. The municipal electric plant first illuminated the streets at night with 63 arc lights powered by DC current in 1897. The transition to LED streetlights comes from a long history of lighting Bryan's streets with the best fixtures of the time,' says Steve Casebere, Director of Utilities. 'Many of our existing streetlights were Cooper Lighting fixtures and we believe that Cooper is an industry leader in testing and warranties of LEDs, so we were confident that we could rely on the company to provide superior luminaires to meet our goals in lighting and energy savings.'

The Streetworks OVH LED Cobraheads are designed to provide superior optical performance and outstanding versatility for area and roadway applications. Cooper's patent pending modular LightBAR™ technology delivers uniform illumination to walkways, parking lots, and roadways, and offers energy savings from 30-75% over standard H.I.D. sources found in most of these applications today. The CLB LED Generation Series was designed to bridge the gap between aesthetic ambiance and modern lighting performance. The decorative post top series offers modular fixture design flexibility to achieve hundreds of different looks and styles in both traditional and contemporary forms. The fixture's optical performance provides even and uniform illumination and when paired with available control options, the Generation Series can reduce energy consumption by as much as 75 percent.

'As an electric power utility, we wanted to reduce our carbon footprint and light pollution. Cooper's LED products helped us achieve those goals as the products are Dark Sky compliant and use less energy,' continued Casebere. 'Ultimately, this helped us deliver on our business goal of keeping energy rates low since using less power means we purchase less power.  Most importantly, we are able to keep customer rates stable.'

Cooper Lighting offers a range of indoor and outdoor LED lighting products and corresponding accessories, all of which are specifically designed to maximize energy and cost savings.  For additional information, visit www.cooperlighting.com/led.

Now here's the smart way to cut City Budgets!

Posted via email from TweetingDonal's Temporary Insanities

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